July 23, 2021


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One of the most important issues to consider in life is the condition of our hearts. We all tend to entertain pride, to think of ourselves more highly than is realistic. We like to think were right. That we know better than anyone else. That were invincible. That we rule ourselves. That we alone control our destiny. That its cool to be a rebel.

Our All-Powerful and Loving Creator sometimes allows us to follow that kind of thinking until it inevitably brings us to places we didnt want to be in. When we find ourselves in vulnerable situations—lying on a gurney about to undergo surgery—facing financial ruin—experiencing the death of a loved one—receiving a serious diagnosis—we tend to start thinking seriously about the realities of life. I am not in control. I need to know what will happen to me when I die. Thinking Im right doesnt matter. I dont know whats best for me. Life is fragile. I need to be prepared for whatever comes my way. I need the help of others who Ive previously stepped on. I need the One who created me to tell me who I am, to love me, and to help me when Im in need. I need His insight, His understanding and His wisdom.

Hes the best Father ever and He cares about each one of us deeply. Confidence in Him is far better than self-confidence. Humbling ourselves and receiving all He gives (especially the gift of rescuing through Jesus) opens the door to living under His care and provision. And we will know for sure where well go when we leave this world.

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