July 09, 2021


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When we first are introduced to Jesus and the amazing gift He offers, there needs to be some soul-searching. Before meeting Him, whether we were conscious of it or not, we were all living under the ways of darkness, under the rule of the devil. 

There must be a conscious turning away from our old sinful ways, lifestyles, patterns and beliefs. As we receive Christ as Lord and Savior we begin new life in the Kingdom of God, in His glorious light, and He has covered us in His righteousness. We are experiencing His goodness and love. Purity is so important to Him, and when we live our lives right next to Him, pleasing Him, we will experience great blessing. He is full of love toward us and He alone knows what is truly best for us. We are protected and provided for when we submit to His loving Lordship over our lives.

Gods Word refers to this rethinking as repentance. Its something we will do from time to time the rest of our lives on earth. Since were not perfect yet, there will be times when we think wrong thoughts, do wrong things or dont do what we should have, or maybe even fall into sinful ways. We can voice that rethinking to Him by saying, I turn from that sin and I go your way Lord. His kindness causes us to want to turn from our sin. And feeding on His Word regularly will keep us on the right path and will strengthen our faith. 

2 Responses

Favor Like Rain
Favor Like Rain

July 21, 2021

Yes, God never criticizes or condemns us, but His Holy Spirit gently reminds us of who we are. We are covered with God’s righteousness when we receive Christ as our Rescuer. When we remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His prompting, He will lovingly remind us over and over of who we are and how to live in God’s ways.


July 21, 2021

thinking on this very thing a lot lately. finding the need to repent every day, as i fall so short of His glory. learning to pray for strength to take up the armor of God to fight against the sin that keeps weighing me down, over and over and over again. and in that confession, OH! what joy! He forgives, He reminds me that it’s been paid for! thanks be to God and to Jesus!

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