July 14, 2020

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Favor Like Rain is online simply to share
a discovered treasure thats better than anything, ever.
Im just an ordinary person whos been rescued,
and my heart and my life are changed forever.
Not by religion.
Not by being good or trying to be.
Simply by a relationship with my amazing Creator.
Im forever grateful that someone cared enough
to share about this gift with me.
And Im so thankful to God for opening my blind eyes
and for showering me with His love and undeserved favor!
Ive got solid ground beneath my feet,
an anchor for my heart and mind,
a sure and amazing future, unconditional love,
and freedom from guilt and shame.
In other words, real life.
As I share some thoughts here and there,
I hope you will feel welcome and refreshed.

1 Response


July 14, 2020

Thanks for doing this and for your inspirational way to spread happiness & hope!

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